Ma omor dupa momentele in care oamenii au emotii si sentimente puternice, cu atat mai mult cand sunt extinse la o masa mare de oameni si mai mult, cand sunt de bine, sunt in spiritul competitiei si al unitatii nationale.
Imi amintesc de Romania - Suedia 1994 eram la bunica-mea in camera cu televizorul si tipam saream, plangeam de draci, de bucurie, se mai trezea bunica-miu si urlam: "tataie, castigam!", mai treceau cateva minute si eram dezamagita cand venea bunica-miu la mine ma intreba: "cum e tataie, castigam?" "nu stiu tataie ca au facut astia egal :(".
Alte dati ma uitam cu tata si mama umbla cu treburi prin casa. Se mai oprea in fata televizorului, cand dadea Romania gol si zicea "vai saracii ailalti, uite ce suparati sunt, mi se rupe inima". Eu cu taica-miu dadeam hi5, ne ridicam brusc de pe pat, stigam o data cu comentatorul si ne uitam la mama ca la OZN-uri "ce dracu, femeia asta tine cu ursul?!?"
La campionatul din Germania eram in Germania si tineam cu Germania, ieseam cu ei pe strazi, cantam, ma luau oamenii in brate de fericire, ii luam si eu pe ei.
La ultimul campionat european parca tineam cu Olanda. Am strigat de n-am mai putut vorbi doua zile.
Imi place pe stadioane, imi place sa ma implic, sa castig, e uimitor cum ma simt de parca am castigat eu, am pierdu eu, iar atmosfera e totul.
Dar de mers nu merg asa des, ma pastrez doar pt campionatele mari, daca m-as pastra pentru cand o sa mai joace Roamania o sa prind paianjeni.
marți, 22 iunie 2010
duminică, 20 iunie 2010
Do you think you're clever?
by John Farndon. (forgot to mention that I got to this book via Applied Computer Science)
A line that stayed in my mind so far:
“I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” Oscar Wilde
Aaaand a song that has nothing to do with the line nor with the book
A line that stayed in my mind so far:
“I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” Oscar Wilde
Aaaand a song that has nothing to do with the line nor with the book
marți, 15 iunie 2010
The beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

One can either talk for days about this or say nothing. I'll stick to saying almost nothing.
Let's take ME (modest me) as example. My husband always sees me pretty, close to beautiful, my mother will always see me too skinny, my brother doesn't give a damn, my male friends and colleagues probably see me a sportive type, unless my breast are bursting out some improper clothes, the girls around will always be picky concerning colours, length, material, context, shoes, hills, jewelery, make-up, hair cut etc.
Of course my beliefs have partially other background nature, but I'm not going to share them now. Is there a conclusion? YES - one will get to "balamuc" (madhouse) if he tries to follow too many advices and satisfy too many tastes.
Moreover let the Fashion Advisers do their jobs, a good job hopefully - if only I did mine the way I should.
But fooling around with materials and make-ups and colours etc should never stop - since we're going to make fools of ourselves at least to do it with some imagination.
miercuri, 9 iunie 2010
Ce m-a calmat?
Melodia asta cu mormaitul de versuri:
Conkers shining on the ground
The air is cooler
And i feel like i just started uni
Walking backwards to my van
You're at your window
And I'm tripping every time i think of
Lying in your attic
I can feel the static
The storm has broken Heavens open
Send my body out to work
But leave my senses
In orbit over south east London
Wind the window down and pinch
Me on the shoulder
Whilst i'll be driving off to dream of
Lying in your attic
I can feel the static
The storm has broken Heavens open
So electrifying Oh I'm nearly flying
Find More lyrics at
Lost my heart between the sheets of lightning
I've been singing you this song
Inside a bubble
Been Zorbing through the streets of Cowley
We were always meant to be
Zorbing together
And i think its high time we started
Lying in your attic
I can feel the static
The storm is breaking windows shaking
So electrifying Oh I'm nearly flying
Lost my heart between the sheets of lightning
Lying in your attic
I can feel the static
The storm has broken Heavens open
So electrifying Oh im nearly flying
Lost my heart between the sheets of lightning
Care sunt starile care te-ar descrie cel mai bine
foame, nervi, frustrare, saturatie (pana-n gat), nervi, draci, cuvinte urate, anxietate, dezamagire, plans (de nervi), contrariata, confuzie, lehamite, :(, :OOO (uimire), draci(am zis?)
Toate la pret de un(u) - aparat de aer conditionat!
Toate la pret de un(u) - aparat de aer conditionat!
miercuri, 2 iunie 2010
Spare Time
Yet, once more, I have proved myself I have no clue what to do with my spare time, maybe because it happens so seldom, I have barely any experience in it.
marți, 1 iunie 2010
Rau vs Bun
Unele lucruri pot parea neplacute, dar de fapt, ascund (si) ceva indubitabil bun.
Cum ar fi ca uneori la sfarsitul zilei abia imi stiu semnalmentele si ma ustura stomacul de plang. Nu astept intelegere, dar daca ajung in starea asta, inseamna ca am uitat total de mine si m-am dedat foarte intens vreunei activitati care ar merita asa un sacrificiu.
Daca exemplu de mai sus e mai degraba deprimant, va impartasesc un altul.
Cand ma trezesc de dimineata cu balute somnoroase pe perna e garantat ca am avut un somn minunat! Nu aveati fantezii cu mine in ipostaza asta, nu?... or did you?
Cum ar fi ca uneori la sfarsitul zilei abia imi stiu semnalmentele si ma ustura stomacul de plang. Nu astept intelegere, dar daca ajung in starea asta, inseamna ca am uitat total de mine si m-am dedat foarte intens vreunei activitati care ar merita asa un sacrificiu.
Daca exemplu de mai sus e mai degraba deprimant, va impartasesc un altul.
Cand ma trezesc de dimineata cu balute somnoroase pe perna e garantat ca am avut un somn minunat! Nu aveati fantezii cu mine in ipostaza asta, nu?... or did you?
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