Lately , there is a continuously Friday 13. But dizzy as I am I get happy every morning to find myself still alive. If only I could stay happy with this thought and ignore the rest of the facts.
How would you feel to find the electricity cut off, when you come back home after a loooong day? And this lasts for 3 days at least! The washing machine is stuck with water and laundry inside, the refrigerator is stinking, the heating system not working, the dark is thicker than my muddy mind. And the fault is "in my garden" - I haven't payed all the bills (randomly, there was one from January, one from May, two from July and August and the last month) - I haven't count how many bills got in the post box, I haven't checked the sold on each bill. I probably just counted on summons few days before really having it cut off - in case it happened, and it did.
I rely to much on the System, on the systems, on whatever.
I don't have a wedding dress, I don't feel like searching for one anymore, I don't feel like working, I don't feel like talking. I have no invitations, no wedding shoes, no wedding plans anymore. Argued with way too many persons around me, mainly relatives, feeling depressed and fat and lifeless.
that's just a poor way of stopping my pathetic tears and anger
„Totul este pe bază emoțională”
Acum 3 zile
3 comentarii:
Scumpa, nu te mai ingrijora cu nunta. Noi am inceput pregatirile cu 2 luni inainte, iar rochia mi-am luat-o cu 3 saptamani inainte. Nu exista mireasa sa ramana fara rochie, stai linistita, ca gasesti. Daca vrei, te duc eu prin niste magazine si iti fac si poze. Toate o sa se rezolve asa cum ai visat si o sa fie totul bine. Importanta e destinatia deci si drumul pana acolo trebuie sa fie frumos. Te imbratisez si-ti sunt alaturi!
Cred ca grijile "de nunta" sunt iminente.
Multam mult pentru sugestia cu Lipscani si pentru intentii. Asa-i ca las impresia ca nu am fost pe Lipscani?!??! am fost, dar mi-am pierdut rabdarea. Cred ca am o imagine idealista asupra felului in care ar trebui sa se petreaca lucrurile.
Oricum problema se pare ca e la mine in gradina: nu mai stiu ce inseamna frumos pret decent etc. Ma incurajeaza mult ca ti-ai luat rochia cu 3 sapt inainte, imi da mie ragaz sa iau o pauza de la subiectul asta ca m-am cam plictisit.
In viata mea n-am avut rabdare sa probez haine, mai ales rochii si am terminat activitatea asta plina de draci si cu un articol cumparat numai ca sa scap. De ce ma astept ca lucrul asta sa se schimbe acum. E usor sa arunc vina in stanga si-n dreapta...
Mersi mult :* :* It helps a lot!
Miha, mult curaj!
...Maine va fi o zi mai buna!:)..
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