marți, 16 octombrie 2012

Today I Choose to be Depressed

I don't know about other people but I've always enjoyed to go to the dentist. I would always refuse the anesthetic and would stay there quietly until the work was done. Marvelous days... too bad they're over.

But as written in the last Post I eventually decided to have a bone augmentation for future implants. Much easier said than done. It was done: pain and everything else on the menu was included, uh ok, first day was horrible the next day was even worse, buuuut the worst was still to come. In two weeks time the first signs that the intervention was not successful. Last evening the confirmation and the decision to revert.
Unfortunately the reversion is not right click -> revert. Nooo, it's new anesthetic, new cut, blood, wires, pain, removal of everything. Above all this there's disappointment and depression. And as if this is not enough I am scared as hell because I have to start it all over again.

Cause it's all in my head, I think about it over and over again... and it hurts so bad - Not funny, I'm so scared I almost shit my pants... I'll never be brave again

Un comentariu:

Photography Lady spunea...

Curaj!!! Desi e usor de spus!

Si eu am mers la dentist si mi se va pune un "pod" si masele de portelan, sper sa nu doara, in comparatie cu ce descrii tu, cred ca e "piece of cake".
